AmeriCarpets is changing to Buckway's Flooring & Design
Same great service, new name.
Looking For New Floors In The Ogden, UT, Area?
The Floors 4 Life Promise
Learn more about our simplified buying system! Click on our best, better, good categorization below to learn more about the features and benefits of each product line. At Buckway's Flooring & Design, we're working to make your floor purchasing process easier.



The Best Flooring In The Ogden, UT, Area
Simplicity & Perfection
Learn more about the inherent beauty in the flooring selection available at Buckway's Flooring & Design.
Inspiration For You
Browse our inspiration galleries to see the newest and hottest trends in flooring.

COREtec the Original
Innovative core technology means our floors won’t warp, buckle or peel due to moisture – even buckets of it.

Roomvo: Our Room Visualization Technology
All of your favorite products are available at your finger tips.

Try these products
About Buckway's Flooring & Design
Formerly known as AmeriCarpets of Riverdale, Buckway's Flooring & Design in Riverdale, UT has over 30 years of excellent service, is the go-to source for reliable flooring services and quality materials. Still, you can expect the same stellar service and product offerings you received under the previous name. We are a family-owned and operated company with three generations of flooring expertise available. We specialize in residential and commercial flooring, no matter the size or complexity of your space.
Our level of customer service speaks for itself, and you can count on us every time to provide an exceptional experience when you choose to trust us for your flooring needs. Stop by today, speak to one of our experienced Buckway family members, and start making your home or office space beautiful!